Friday, April 25, 2008


The insurance companies determinted that the other driver was 100% at fault so will pay for all repairs and for a rental while the van is in the shop. Repairs will begin May 5. Since we have a grandaughter being confirmed on May 4th, the insurance adjuster gave us an extra day of rental.

Jerry went back to work this week and had no trouble with his legs, so guess he will be able to work awhile longer. He will be cutting back some though.

No golf this weekend. Forecast is for rain, wind and cold.

Two friends and I are going to see the "Swan Lake" ballet. Wayne State College has a ballet company from New York coming on Sunday.



Shirley said...

Enjoy the ballet.

Janell said...

Glad that Jerry had no more trouble with his legs.
Seeing "Swan Lake" sounds WONDERFUL!