Friday, July 18, 2008

back to school

I am going back to school for 4 classes. Since my kids and grandkids are all computer literate, I will try to catch up a little. The computer has been a big part of my job for a long time. But, I feel like I only know how to run the "in house" system at work. The first class was Wednesday afternoon. There is a series of 3 classes on computer basics for seniors. The other class is on Quicken, the bookkeeping system I have been trying to learn to keep the trucking business more up to date. Wish me luck.

Yesterday I took the day off to play in a tournament in Wayne. The local businesses have what they call a "vendors tournament". They invite their vendors to play a 4 person scramble. It is all just for fun. The winners recieve a dozen golf balls to divide between them. Governor Heinneman and some other politicians were there. The gov's team tied for first place. I wonder if they gave him extra mulligans. lol

This weekend is the club tournament at Fairplay. The ladies play on Saturday and the men on Sunday. I better get my weekend chores done today so I can goof off tomorrow.

Our 15 year old grandaughter is on a trip to Europe with a group from her school. She left last Friday and will be home Sunday. What a great experience this is for someone so young.

Better get busy.


cdroses said...

The Quicken class should be good. That is what we use here at work. So much of it is pre-programmed, you just need to know what sequence to click!

Can't wait to hear Ab's stories and see pictures! (By the way, you need a facebook space so you can keep up with us, too! lol)

Janell said...

You'll enjoy the classes, I'm sure.
Sounds like you are enjoying your gold tourneys. How did you and Bev do the last time you played together? Bob mentioned that she was playing with you.

Abby must be having a great time.