Monday, October 8, 2007


Fall is in the air. Air conditioner was turned on for awhile Saturday night to cool the house for sleeping. No one had been home all day so it wasn't needed until then.
Friday evening golf - darkness won and we had to quit with 1 hole left.
Saturday - Jerry was invited to play with his brother in a scramble in Oakland. They had a good time and took first place out of 18 teams. Meantime I went antiquing and shopping with Utechts in Lincoln. (Sorry, girls, didn't even get a chance to call). We got home in time to watch the Huskers get slaughtered. Nebraska needs another Tom Osborn. The volleyball girls took Colorado in three and are still undefeated.
Sunday - we worked on putting new carpeting on our front steps. The project was rained out before it was finished. There were several storms that hit our area Sunday afternoon and evening.
Weekends are always too short and I never get as much accomplished as is planned.

1 comment:

Janell said...

You're right, plans are always bigger than the weekend. We didn't get the rain until about 2 AM, but we got a lot. I forgot to look in the rain guage, but there was a lot of water standing around. Congrats to Jerry on winning the scramble.