Friday, June 15, 2007


Nothing much to blog this week so will just ramble. I had tried to start some zinias from seed, but I think the rabbits must have eaten them as fast as they came up. I only saw a couple of shoots coming up before I went on vacation. When I came back there was nothing. As a result, I bought some plants. Also some portulaca or moss roses for another bed. I should not be let loose in the plant shops. I seem to find all kinds of things I want to try. Don't even know the names of most of them.
Golf was rained out on Wednesday so got a little extra cleaning time. The problem with cleaning hit & miss is that your house is never all nice and clean at once. While growing up, cleaning day was Saturday. Furniture was dusted, floors were swept and scrubbed if necessary. We had no carpeting so no vaccuumming. I kind of followed that schedule when we were younger. Now my Saturday priority is laundry and cleaning is done as needed during the week.
Since I am home alone during the week, my table seems to collect all kinds of stuff. Kind of reminds me of Mom's. It doesn't have to be cleared off every day, three times a day, for meals. The stove is seldom used since the invention of the microwave. I eat a lot of frozen meals. Weekends - Friday night we usually eat out with friends after golf or in the "off season" we just eat out. Grilled cheese is our usually Saturday lunch and I might have to cook something for supper. Jerry is not a very adventurous eater and likes to stick to the basics. We sometimes go to HyVee after church for brunch and that will hold us over the rest of the day. Roast with potatoes & carrots thrown in is our Sunday supper. Roast beef was considered "Sunday meat" by our kids when they were growing up. I guess we must have had it a lot.
Mowing the lawn is a twice a week chore if I don't want to bag it. After I get all my flower beds mulched, there is no where to dump the grass unless Jerry's pickup is home. Mowing also insures that I get some exercise at least twice a week. I have a neighbor across the street that will come over and blow the grass clippings off my driveway after I mow. He doesn't do this every time, but when he has mowed and is blowing the clippings off his walks. Jerry has a blower and a week wacker, but I can't seem to get the darn things started so can only run them when he is home. Then I let him have that fun.
Winter time the snow blower replaces the lawn mower, but is not a regular chore. The problem with the snow blower is that it is so cold when it is necessary to run it. I also have time to clean closets and drawers during the winter. The basement might get a good cleaning during the winter. I try to clean around the storage area after Christmas before I put all the decorations back. My t-shirt quilt was started this past year, but will have to wait until golf season is over to be finished.
This must all sound pretty boring, but too much excitement is not good for old people.

1 comment:

Janell said...

I enjoyed reading this post. It's nice to know these things about you.
PS - I tried to post this comment Friday but the internet connection burped or hiccuped or something and it didn't go.