Tuesday, March 27, 2007

6 things about me

1. I have a job that I have had for 15 years and am getting kind of bored with it but am too old
to look for anything else. Would like to retire, but can't afford insurance. There is no where for
me to go in this company except out. Have a husband that is a truck driver so spend a lot of
time home alone expecially in winter. NO, I don't want a dog or cat.

2. I don't get to spend enough time with the grandkids. I try to make what activities I can.
This includes - church and school programs, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, baseball, softball, track.

3. I love to play golf and would like to travel the US and play in every state. Would also like to
travel all around the US and just stop when something looks interesting. I love the spring and
summer months when I can plant some new flowers and watch the perennials come back up
and bloom. The daffodils are just beginning to bloom. This must be a sure sign it is spring.
I have bowled in a league almost every year since I was 19 years old. Have never had a 600
series (597 once).

4. I am a procrastinator. I know what needs to be done but think there is always tomorrow to
wash those windows and clean up the spare room or the basement. I like being up in the mornings, but also like to sleep in on my days off. Can't have it both ways. I would rather mow
the lawn than dust furniture.

5. I regret that my dad never got to know any of his grandsons. I hate the disease that robbed
my mom of the last 10 years of her life.

6. I like Nebraska football and basketball, but girls volleyball is my favorite. Will watch "March
Madness" as long as a big 12 team in playing. But lose interest after that. Will watch pro football if the Broncos are playing. Like to watch golf when my favorites are playing.



Janell said...

I hope your bowling team continues for you - maybe you'll get that 600 yet.
Procrastination is definitely a family trait - acutally, maybe it's more of a family habit than a trait, because I have been able to overcome it on occasion.
i wish Dad could have known the boys, too. Remembering how much fun he had with Cindy & Tammie, i think he would have been a terrific granddad for them.
Your comments about liking sports makes me think you might have been a bit of a tomboy, but I never thought of you that way before. This has been a fun exercise!Thanks for sharing.

Myrnagj said...

Good list. I can relate to more time with grandchildren. I'm procrastinating right now.

cdroses said...

YEAH! Finally an actual REASON for my procrastination! It (simply) runs in the family! :D LOVE IT!