Tuesday, March 3, 2009


If you look real close you can see an autograph on K's shirt. It was her birthday and we had been to a Nebraska volleyball game. K is a real Yankee fan and Joba Chamberlain, the rookie pitcher who played for NU was there. J & K hunted him down and he signed her shirt and posed for a picture. I had a previous post about this and so did Kendra on her Nerds corner blog.


Janell said...

I really enjoyed Kendra's post about Joba C. What a great time they had!

Cliff said...

He is a star. I hope she retires the shirt. That might be worth some money someday. You never know.

Shirley said...

Did Kendra frame that TShirt?

Jim said...

Hi Sue, Happy R/T. Well, I hope it was happy. It is neat when the kids meet somebody special. And then get their autograph.
Joba reminds me of our Roger Clemens in his pitching picture. Even the way he holds his jaw and mouth is the same.
Thanks for checking in with me.
I think it is cold up there tonight, we are in the 40's.
Maybe not, Cliff's thermometer reads 31F.

Marla said...

I am glad that she got Joba's autograph.