Monday, September 24, 2007


At the request of LDCP I am going to try to review a book. I'm not very good at this so bear with me.
The book is "Grasshopper" by Barbara Vine.
The story takes place in England. It is told by the main character, Clodagh. She is and electrician and is called to do some work and finds the lady of the house is someone from her past, Liv. This brings back memories and her story.
When Clodagh is a teenager she has an obsession with high places. Her boyfriend, who is 16, is killed falling off a pylon that the two of them had climbed. Clodagh is blamed for this because she is older at 17. After finishing high school she is sent to live with her mothers cousin, Max and his wife, Salina, while she takes classes at a very minor college. She is not interested in the courses that she is taking and misses a lot of class time. Clodagh is very afraid of underground spaces. Although she adapts to living in the basement apartment of her cousin, she cannot bring herself to use an underground walk to the school. Therefore she finds a longer route above ground. She is called to her adviser's office because of her poor academic record. On her way to meet with her advisor she is forced to use the underground tunnel because of a murder on the overpass. About half way through she has a panic attack and is rescued by "Silver." Silver, which is short for Silverman, happens to live in a top floor apartment in his parents house which is next door to Max's. Silver is living on an inheritance from his grandmother's estate. After Clodagh is kicked out of school and has a fight with Max and Selina, she moves in with Silver.
There are several odd characters living full or part time with Silver. The thing that draws most of them together is that they like to wander around London on the rooftops. Wim, who is very agile on the roofs. Johnny is a burglar. Liv had been an au pair until she had a miner auto accident with her charges while drinking. She ran from the scene and was "rescued" by Johnny. She had stolen some money from her employers and after Johnny brings her to Silver's she become agoraphobic.
While climbing around on the roofs, Wim discovers a couple that are hiding from authorities because they ran off with their foster child whom they could not adopt because he was mixed race and they are white. Silver, Clodagh and Wim decide to help the couple escape to Australia where they can live as a family.
The book has a lot of different story lines that eventually come together.
The reader is informed in the last few pages the fate of most of the characters, but is left to guess on some of them. I found the book easy to read, but the story lines were kind of far out there.

Since I haven't reviewed a book since high school, I hope this isn't too confusing to follow.


Shirley said...

Sounds pretty interesting. I might try that one.

your last post mentioned new TV shows this week -- are you watching the PBS series "The WAR". It started Sunday night and is 13 hours long over the next two weeks. It should be required viewing -- maybe we could avoid a repeat.

LaDawn said...

Did you enjoy it?

Sue said...

LD, I guess I enjoyed it, I finished it. I thought it was kind of different and had a lot of turns in it.